Ecozone - Plughole Hair Unblocker, 250ml

Ecozone - Plughole Hair Unblocker, 250ml

Brand - Ecozone
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Quick Description

Ecozone Plughole Hair Unblocker (250ml) is an eco-friendly drain cleaner, efficiently removing hair clogs.

Key Information

  • Eco-Friendly: Likely to be environmentally friendly, as suggested by the name "Ecozone."
  • Designed to unblock drains and pipes clogged with hair and other organic matter.
  • May contain natural or eco-friendly ingredients to dissolve hair and other clogs.
  • Safe for septic tanks and aquatic life.

Product Overview

The Ecozone Plughole Hair Unblocker is a highly effective, environmentally-friendly solution designed to tackle one of the most common household plumbing problems: clogged drains caused by hair and debris. This product comes in a convenient 250ml bottle and is formulated with powerful, plant-based ingredients to dissolve hair and clear blocked pipes without the use of harsh chemicals.

Ecozone's formula is non-toxic and safe for septic systems, making it an eco-conscious choice for those looking to maintain clean and free-flowing drains. It works by breaking down hair and other organic matter, preventing the buildup that can lead to slow drainage and unpleasant odors. Users simply pour the solution down the plughole, allow it to work its magic, and then flush with hot water.

This hair unblocker is an excellent choice for anyone seeking an eco-friendly and effective solution for drain maintenance. It not only keeps plumbing systems in good working order but also reduces the need for harmful chemicals that can harm the environment. With its compact size and impressive performance, the Ecozone Plughole Hair Unblocker is a practical addition to any household's cleaning arsenal.


Calcium Thioglycolate Hydroxide Alcohols C9-11 ethoxylated Monopropylene Glycol Propane-1 2-DIOL subtilisin PEG Copolymer Propan-2-ol Lemon Fragrance Calcium Chloride

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Ecozone Plughole Hair Unblocker work?

Ecozone Plughole Hair Unblocker is a product designed to unclog and clean the drains in sinks, bathtubs, and showers by removing hair and other debris that can cause blockages. The product typically contains a combination of ingredients that work together to dissolve and break down the hair and gunk that accumulate in your plumbing.